How To Make Marketing Strategy And Branding Accessible For All?

Juliette Roy
10 min readJan 25, 2021


Just-StartUp Branding Kit

If you are a woman entrepreneur, my guess is that marketing strategy and branding is at the center of your growth plan. Being a woman entrepreneur means wearing many hats and learning marketing and branding skills is one of them. There are so many business opportunities for women, and it is still an untapped market in terms of the amount of investment that goes into women’s businesses. So get ready, the world is changing fast, black women are the fastest-growing small business entrepreneurs in the U.S. There is no more exciting time to start your business. Much more fun and rewarding than working for a company where you don’t agree with the values.

Women Businesses: An Untapped Investor Market

Did you know that women control $20 trillion in annual spending in the world and make 85% of purchasing decisions? As a result, women are a critical target for advertisers. Like many other industries, the advertising industry is still largely dominated by men.

The 3% movement has been bringing awareness to the lack of women creative directors in the advertising industry. Thanks to their lobbying, women now count for 29% of creative directors compared to 3% a few hours ago and some of the biggest companies are going through big transformations to embrace gender balance in the position of power.

As the world continues to evolve, the place of women in the creative and advertising industry is advancing as well. The lack of gender equity and access to powerful jobs for women has led to a wave of talented women creative leaders to take an entrepreneur’s life on their own and for good reasons. Data shows that businesses with at least one female founder tend to perform 63% better than companies without. Data has also shown that women tend to have less access to money spent on suppliers.

Across the globe, women continue to earn, on average, less than 1% of the money spent on suppliers by large corporations and governments. Our coalition of global partners, government allies, corporate members, and women business owners are integral to bridging that gap.” — Elizabeth Vazquez, WEConnect International CEO & Co-Founder .

Three women in Singapore decided to make the most of this opportunity. They created a different type of marketing strategy and branding agency. Lime-Agency is a company on a mission to do good as well as delivering impeccable work. The team decided to put their values before profit. One thing leading to another, from marketing expertise to serial entrepreneurs, the company is now bringing a series of marketing strategy, branding, and growth tools to support entrepreneurs with their communications needs.

To learn more about how Lime Agency is making marketing strategies and branding accessible to all, we are talking with Hui Ting Lee, creative director and one of the three co-founders of Lime Agency. 5 years ago, she co-founded Lime Agency, with Rigmor Berthier and Cecile Gauthier. They did not stop there. Last year, the group of serial entrepreneurs launched Just-Startup, a growing branding and marketing strategy resources platform to support entrepreneurs to grow their business.

For full disclosure, Lime Agency worked on the redesign of our website We love their mission and work and they have big a great supporter of our mission too.

From Circular Economy To A Marketing Strategy And Branding Successful Start-Up

4 women marketing strategy expert
Cecile Gauthier, Rigmor Berthier, Hui Ting Lee, Pauline Korchia

How Did You Start Lime Agency?

We started the agency under the belief that all companies, big or small, should have access to quality branding and marketing. I am proud to report that the Lime Agency is the first certified women-owned business in Singapore and capitalizes on converting e-waste into valuable solutions for businesses.

How Did Your All Meet?

We met while working in a previous agency. Despite our cultural differences and age gaps, we got along well from day one. Working closely together across multiple projects, we discovered a shared love for quality work and at the same time, ethical and social values. The 3 of us have always been able to complement each other’s skills very well. We are pretty good listeners and are always up for a good challenge on our projects. We slowly discovered how fun work can be when we do it together as a team! After all, if you are going to spend more than 8 hours every day working, why not make it a positive experience?

After some time, we were split into different teams working on different projects. Eventually, each of us decided to leave our previous jobs due to different personal reasons. When we found out from each other that we were leaving, we started talking about perhaps doing something together next. We loved working together, we knew we were good at what we did and we were confident there was a need in the market for the kind of agency we want to run: a purpose-driven creative agency.

A Mutual Love For Marketing Strategy, Branding, Communication and Creatives” The three women are from three different countries. They speak three different languages.

How have your different backgrounds been an asset to the company?

The fact that we come from different cultural backgrounds added a unique cultural richness to the agency. It enables us to look at things from different perspectives. In addition, it allowed us to understand different clients and their position and needs. It also opened the door for us to create a positive atmosphere to attract a variety of cultures to the agency in terms of recruitment. And not to mention, all the lunch breaks we have had where we learn about so many different things; Ramadan recipes, Indian crafts, Scandinavian Christmas, the Spanish royal family, Pokemon insights, Serial killers, Korean dramas… just to name a few! In the company with our team at the moment, we speak English, Mandarin, Malay, French, Spanish, Norwegian and Japanese.

What makes Lime Agency different from any other marketing strategy and communication agency?

purpose-driven social enterprise
Impact Report 5 years — Values Before Profit

At Lime Agency, we prioritize our values before profit, and we keep that promise. If a company whose values we don’t align with contact us to do a project, we tend to politely say: “No, thank you.”

At Lime Agency, we prioritize our values before profit.

Our mission is to provide quality marketing and branding services to any company, big or small.

We have a “Robin Hood” business model, meaning that we offer our services at a subsidized rate when we work with Social Enterprises or Charities.

You can read learn more about our impact with a newly published report here 🙂

What Are The Values You Are Leading With?


For one, we have respect for: our clients, employees, partners, suppliers and the entire planet. For example, if someone has taken the time to write a long email to us, we always try to reply as soon as possible or at least say, “Thank you”.

Open Mind

Secondly, we keep an open mind. You can never know what people are going through at any one time. We do our best not to judge but instead listen and understand.

Going The Extra Mile

As a rule at Lime Agency, we always go further. We always try to show our partners, employees and clients how we can try to go further. Even with the simplest brochure design, it is possible to think differently and out of the box. This makes even the most boring job quite fun actually 🙂

Any Other Driver at Lime Agency?

In our quest to always go further, we also try to drive actions to change the agency industry.

We firmly believe that there are things in this industry that are fundamentally wrong.

One example is the traditional “pitch” or “spec” process. Back in the good ol’ times, agencies worked on “pitches” to win retainer contracts that would allow the agency to pay salaries to the team for 2–3 years. Today, many clients think that it’s okay to ask for “pitching” even for the smallest project. In some cases, they even ask agencies to pitch ideas for free. They then select the best idea and award the project normally to the agency quoting the lowest price. This ends up creating/ generating a lot of e-waste.

Bringing A Solution To A Growing Problem: Recycling Digital-Waste

Over the past 5 years of Lime Agency, we have worked on hundreds of branding projects. Each time, we deliver 3 to 4 concepts and our client will select 1 or 2 out of the 4. This means that we have accumulated quite a lot of discarded options. Instead of them sitting on our server as e-waste and never seeing the light of day, we thought we could recycle them and present them all. We’d put them in an online catalog for anyone to purchase them at a much lower cost than engaging a big branding agency. E-waste became a gateway for smaller companies to access quality solutions at lower costs. This was how Just Startup (previously Lime Zest) was born.

From Circular Economy To Marketing Strategy And Branding Start-up: Innovation For Good

We love what we do, and we love working together. As simple as that 🙂. Staying close to our belief about companies’ access to quality branding and marketing materials, we created Just Startup for small businesses and entrepreneurs. We realized that at Lime Agency, even with our Robin Hood pricing model, we were still too expensive for some smaller companies or start-ups. On the other hand, we also realize that such companies are more open to learning how to do things themselves, given the right tools and insights, especially using e-waste. Just Startup is the answer to that — quality expertise, with tutorials and guidance on how you can get started with all things marketing.

Always stay true to your values, and in tough times, this is even more important.

What Is Your Greatest Business Challenges?

Our greatest challenge is that 24 hours is never enough. We want to do so much yet there is so little time. To combat this, we rely on our values, our passion and our creativity. We love doing what we do, and we know what we are good at so we put in our best. We stay true to ourselves every day, and like-minded people continue to work with us because of that.

How Did Covid-19 impact your business?

In the beginning, we had a sudden cancellation of contracts for 3–4 months. This meant that we had to, unfortunately, let go of several talented people. Luckily they found jobs quite fast afterward (they are very talented).

Working from home was a complete game-changer for us. Much of it on a very positive side, especially when considering work efficiency. We did not need to spend time in traffic going back and forth to meetings as all meetings were moved to zoom. This is something that we will probably be holding on to.

Not meeting the team physically was sometimes hard. However, with Phase 2 (in Singapore), we were able to meet once a week for planning and discussion of projects.

From Downside To Upside

On another positive note, COVID-19 opened new markets for us. With Lime Agency, we have been working with clients across the world with ease — New Delhi, Paris, London, Russia, Bali and many more. With Just Startup, we have been organizing a lot of workshops for startups and entrepreneurs, especially on repurposing digital-waste. We were contacted by the Business Association of Vadsø (Rigmor’s hometown in the north of Norway) who wanted marketing courses for their members. Without COVID-19, this would never have happened because of the distance and time difference between Norway and Singapore. Since everyone is working from home, time and place suddenly did not matter anymore.

Where Does Your Entrepreneurship Fiber Come From?

To be honest, this is difficult to pinpoint. I guess we had to trust our instincts, a lot. I don’t think any of us thought starting our own company would be the way of things. It was more like; we started our own company because we wanted to do things our way and we managed to get our clients and employees on board with the same values!

What Are You Most Excited About for 2021?

I think everyone is waiting for the vaccine so that, on a personal level, we will all be able to travel again and see our families and friends across the globe.

We have to believe that 2021 will be a more positive year. Through tough times, we have all adapted to working differently now, and we learned how to be efficient while still staying connected with people.

We are most excited about Just Startup and the possibilities it offers to entrepreneurs around the globe using e-waste. We are planning to dedicate quite a lot of time to this project this coming year and cannot wait to see how it will all turn out. Judging from 2020, I guess some bumps along the road are to be expected but we are up for the challenge!

What Insights Can You Share With Other Entrepreneurs?

Always stay true to your values, and in tough times, this is even more important.

  • Stay true to yourself.
  • Find purpose in what you do and it will motivate you to go further.
  • Ask for help when needed, don’t try to do everything yourself.
  • Find out where your biggest value-add is and what you would like to do most.
  • Set up your workday and work processes so that you don’t waste valuable time.
  • Interact with your customers whenever you can.
  • Build a network of like-minded people.

How Can We Help?

We need help to spread the word on Just Startup — a branding and marketing resource platform for entrepreneurs that capitalizes on e-waste. We can offer free PRO memberships to your followers for a year, as we are eager to receive feedback on all our courses, templates and materials.

To Learn More



Juliette Roy

Founder Be Your Change Media. We amplify the voices of women social entrepreneurs and changemakers and provide training to start and grow your podcast.